Project Description

The objective of the Accelerating Clean Energy Access to Reduce Inequality (ACCESS) project is to support the poor and most vulnerable communities to have equitable and sustainable access to basic services for improving their livelihoods. The ACCESS project will be implemented in 2020-2025 in 22 villages in 4 provinces in Indonesia (East Nusa Tenggara, West Sulawesi, South-East Sulawesi and Central Kalimantan provinces) and 25 villages in 3 municipalities of Timor Leste (Municipality of Dili Atauro, Bobonaro and Manatuto). The ACCESS project is funded from the grant of USD 18,028,509 from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Indonesia, from which Indonesia's allocation is USD 15,028,509 and USD 3 million for Timor-Leste.

To achieve the objective, ACCESS will implement activities that will produce following outputs:

Output 1: Renewable-based power plants built providing sustainable access to electricity for remote villagers in Indonesia with institutional and local capacity in place.

Output 2: Under SSTC between Indonesia and Timor Leste, solar-PV water pumps and Highly Efficient Solar Lamp System (LTSHE) are installed in remote villages in Timor Leste, providing sustainable access to clean water and lighting.

UNDP Indonesia is the implementation partner of KOICA for the ACCESS project. Under overall project management oversight by UNDP Indonesia, the UNDP Timor Leste is responsible for producing Output two under South-South Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) activities with Indonesia in forms of clean energy technology and technical certification for local operators. For the project implementation, ACCESS project will be supported by the Project Management Unit (PMU) in Indonesia and Timor Leste. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) and KOICA Indonesia are the counterparts in Indonesia, while the Ministry of State Administration (MSA), KOICA Timor Leste are the counterparts in Timor Leste. These counterparts are the project board members expected to steer and provide strategic direction to the PMU.

At the end of the project, with minimum 30% of women as direct beneficiaries and in compliance with social-environmental safeguards, ACCESS is expected to result in access to electricity to at least 20,000 people in Indonesia and Timor Leste, and access to water to 3,500 people in Timor Leste from the total installation of about 1.2 Mega Watt decentralized solar-PV power plants, improve the technical capacity of 80 local people and enhance the sustainability of built clean energy infrastructure at the village level by establishment of local energy service institutions.

Activities Breakdown

Activity 1.1: Renewable-based energy infrastructures construction that providing access to electricity for households in targeted villages in Indonesia that can be monitored remotely.

The activities will include engineering, Procurement and Construction of centralized PV power plants in targeted locations in Indonesia, social-environmental compliance and installation of remote monitoring device:

  • Development of Detailed Feasibility Study for the construction of solar-PV power plants in Indonesia's targeted locations. Gender perspectives is considered in the study.
  • EPC (Engineering, Procurement & Construction) contract issuance to the selected EPC company.
  • Issuance of necessary permits for small size infrastructure construction, including environmental license as required.
  • Construction of the solar-PV power plants, distribution lines, and household electrical installations as per approved Detail Engineering Design (DED) in Indonesia's targeted locations.
  • Construction monitoring by the owner's engineer.
  • Commissioning and issuance of Operational Eligibility permit (Surat Laik Operasi) for constructed power plants.
  • Installing remote monitoring device for each power plant.

Activity 1.2: Local capacity building for operation and maintenance of the built energy infrastructures.

The activities will include training and certification of solar-PV power plant operators by EPC contractor for in-house training and by the formal certifying  institution:

  • Open recruitment and selection of operator candidates (women will have 50% quota for participation).
  • Development and in-house training of SOP for operation and maintenance by EPC contractor.
  • Field training in other solar-PV operating sites as part of the certification process of operators.
  • Certification process of selected operators by the formal certifying institution.

Activity 1.3: Local institution establishment to enhance sustainability and scaled-up use of built energy infrastructures. 

The activities will include establishing local institutions and identifying potential economic added value from the provision of electricity, implemented by the district facilitator:

  • Community consultations to get consent about the project.
  • Community consultations on electricity tariff setting and operational rules based on required O&M cost estimates.
  • Facilitating the establishment of a village electricity enterprise (BUMDES Listrik Desa/Renewable Energy Service Company (RESCO)) with a viable business model.
  • Social-economy assessment to identify potential added value from the utilization of electricity, including gender disaggregated analysis.

Activities 1.4: Results dissemination and planning for scaling up.

The activities will include result dissemination activities and development of scaling-up proposal to be implemented by Monitoring and communication officer:

  • Six national level workshops conducted during and at the end of project.
  • Development of result dissemination products (video, infographics, project brief, project progress and final reports).

The SSTC activities will include implementation on the construction of solar water pumps, installation of highly efficient solar lamp system (LTSHE), training, certification, and local institutional establishment. The project will support the knowledge exchange between Indonesia and Timor-Leste on technical specifications, training, and certification of local operators by capitalizing experience and training facilities of the MEMR:

  • Commissioning of Feasibility Study consisting of technical, social, economic and environmental assessment.

  • Procurement of EPC contractor for solar water pump and LTSHE provider

  • Construction of solar water pumps and installation of LTSHE in compliance with social and environmental national standards.

  • Construction & installation and performance monitoring by owner's engineer.

  • Open recruitment and selection of operator candidates (women participation is encouraged).

  • Development and in-house training of SOP for operation and maintenance by solar water pump and LTSHE contractors.

  • In field training and certification of qualified operators by the formal certifying institution on solar PV water pump and LTSHE.

  • Establishment of Renewable Energy Service Cooperative (RESCO) with a viable business model to ensure service sustainability. 

© 2021 - ACCESS