Site Visit and Training for Solar Water Pumps to Kuningan
Fourteen participants in the solar water pump's local operators' training from Atauro, Bobonaro, dan Manatuto Municipalities Timor Leste visited Ciniru Village, Kuningan West Java, to learn the operation and measurement of the system. These participants attend the training facilitated by the ACCESS Project under the South-South Triangular Cooperation between Indonesia and Timor Leste with support from the Republic of Korea. The training is provided by PPSDM KEBTKE from August 22 to September 01, 2022, followed by a certification examination.
Imas Agustina, Technical Officer of Local Capacity Development, says, "This training is conducted so that participants get hands-on experience operating and maintaining a solar water pump ('PATS')." She hoped the participants could maintain the facilities built in their village after the training. The ACCESS Project plans to install nine solar water pumps in Timor-Leste in 2023 to provide clean water for 3,500 people.
Bayuaji Prakoso, the training facilitator, said, "The ('PATS') maintenance is not difficult. The important thing is to ensure that the electrical panels are not dirty and are not entered by small insects." Dirty electrical panels that become ants' nests are difficult to clean. "As I have seen in Timor Leste, the ant nests are huge."
Author: Elizabeth Gabriela Editor: Salman Nursiwan