Through Training and Certification, Local Operators are Prepared to Sustain Renewable Energy in Target Villages
The sustainability of off-grid solar PV power plants and solar water pump in rural villages are dependent on the capabilities of local operators. As such, building the capacity of local operators and adhering to Standards Operating Procedures (SOP) are essential considerations for the ACCESS Project. By the end of 2022, 80 local operators from Indonesia and Timor-Leste had completed training on solar PV technology specifically related to the operation and maintenance of off-grid solar PV power plants and solar power water pumps. The training was conducted through the partnership of the ACCESS Project with the Human Resource Development Centre on Electricity, New Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation (PPSDM KEBTKE), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) of the Republic of Indonesia.
“The local operators contribute not only to the sustainability of the ACCESS Project in terms of the technical component but also in touch with other people to our common goals to fight their energy poverty, deliver their equality, and help accelerate the community development”, said Ms. Ahn Soyeon, Deputy of Country Director KOICA Indonesia. Ahn emphasized that under the South-South Triangular Cooperation (SSTC), the Korean government is committed to helping strengthen the capacity of the local stakeholders in renewable energy to help both Indonesia and Timor-Leste governments accelerate the achievement of SDG goals. Such a partnership will also strengthen the cooperation among the three parties for now and in the future.
Under the auspice of SSTC, all parties (UNDP, KOICA, Indonesia, and Timor-Leste government) have been making efforts to improve the access to renewable energy for both Indonesia and Timor-Leste, including improving the skills, knowledge, and expertise of the local operators to maintain and operate solar power based electricity and water pump. Belarimino Filomeno Neves, the General Director of Administrative Decentralization-Ministry of State Affairs (MSA) of Timor-Leste stated that this training activity is a big and crucial moment for Timor-Leste. Given the experience, skills, and knowledge that Indonesia has on the solar PV water pump infrastructure, the capacity building for Timor-Leste local operators can help sustain the installed infrastructure that is going to be built by the ACCESS Project.
According to Aretha, the head of the Environment Unit of UNDP Indonesia, the completion of a recent training program is a true success story. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the team worked tirelessly to find solutions and complete the training, with support from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia. "This training completion is a feasible example of the South-South Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) activity between Indonesia and Timor-Leste with the support from the Republic of South Korea in renewable energy technology and capacity building of local operators,” Aretha added.
According to the post-assessment report of the training, participants gained significant knowledge and skills related to solar power-based electricity and water pumps. As a result, all local operators now possess the necessary knowledge and skills and are ready to ensure the continuous provision of energy in targeted villages. Laode Sulaeman, the head of PPSDM KEBTKE explained, "Having completed a series of training activities, operators now have become reliable, skilled, and competent in most aspects of solar power operation and maintenance. The acquired skills will enable local operators to implement renewable energy solutions in their respective villages, thereby providing benefits to their local environment,” he added. The success of the training program is a testament to the capacity-building initiatives in promoting sustainable energy solutions and improving the lives of local communities.
Author: Sugiyanto