ACCESS Project Encourages Energy Conservation Efforts in the Domestic Environment
In addition to building Solar Power Plants (PLTS) in 23 remote villages in Indonesia and Energy-Efficient Solar Lamps (LTSHE) in several areas in Timor-Leste, the ACCESS Project also encourages communities to implement energy conservation efforts. This is in line with the mandate of the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 70 Year 2009 regarding Energy Conservation, Article 2 Paragraph 1, which states that energy conservation is the responsibility of the central government, provincial and district/city governments, entrepreneurs, and the public.
Communities can implement energy conservation efforts starting from their immediate environment, namely their households. Energy conservation aims to ensure that electrical energy is used wisely according to needs. For households using electricity from PLTS, energy conservation efforts are particularly important for at least two reasons: 1) the production of electrical energy from PLTS is highly dependent on weather conditions, and 2) the quota for energy consumption in a given period is limited. Therefore, the ACCESS Project encourages communities to become skilled in implementing energy conservation efforts in their living environments.
Energy Conservation Efforts in Household Environments
So, what are the energy conservation efforts that can be done in household environments? Broadly speaking, there are five groups of energy conservation efforts that can be implemented in household environments: lighting systems, air conditioning systems, food and beverage equipment, electronic devices, and activities related to bathing, washing, and sanitation (MCK).
1. Lighting Systems
A building is not complete without lighting systems, whether indoors or outdoors. Therefore, energy conservation efforts need to be made for lighting systems to ensure that the electricity used is in line with actual needs. Energy conservation for lighting systems can be done by utilizing natural lighting, turning off lights when sufficient daylight is available, turning off lights when not in use, regularly cleaning light fixtures, and replacing incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient options such as neon or Light-Emitting Diode (LED) lights.
2. Air Conditioning Systems
In addition to lighting, a building also typically has air conditioning systems to provide comfort for its occupants. Energy conservation for air conditioning systems can be achieved by using natural ventilation, turning off air conditioners or fans when not in use, adjusting the air conditioner and fan settings according to needs, using timers to control air conditioner use, using energy-efficient air conditioners and fans, choosing an air conditioner capacity suitable for the room's volume, closing rooms with air conditioning tightly, and cleaning air conditioners and fans regularly.
3. Food and Beverage Equipment
Energy conservation efforts can also be applied during activities related to food and beverages that require electrical energy. Some energy conservation efforts in this category include ensuring the refrigerator is tightly closed, avoiding overloading the refrigerator, minimizing how often the refrigerator door is opened, regularly cleaning the refrigerator condenser, using water heaters only when needed, optimizing the use of cold water from the refrigerator, setting the refrigerator temperature according to needs, and using ovens judiciously.
4. Electronic Devices
It's evident that electronic devices have become essential for many people, such as smartphones, computers, tablets, and others. These devices require electrical energy to operate, so energy conservation efforts are needed to avoid unnecessary electricity usage. Some energy conservation efforts for electronic devices include turning off the monitor screen during breaks, using low display resolution and low screen brightness, unplugging chargers when not in use, and turning off the television when not in use.
5. Bathing, Washing, and Sanitation (MCK) Activities
During MCK activities, some energy conservation efforts can also be implemented to save electrical energy, such as reducing the use of electric dryers, setting the iron's temperature according to needs, reducing ironing frequency, choosing a washing machine with a suitable capacity, using the washing machine only when there's a full load, using an automatic water pump system, and using a water pump according to well depth and faucet requirements.
In conclusion, these are the energy conservation efforts that can be applied in household environments. In line with government regulations, all elements of society should implement energy conservation efforts. Although these efforts may be small in scale, limited to households, if every household applies the same efforts, the positive impact will be substantial. This includes a reduction in carbon emissions, more efficient energy use, lower electricity costs, and various other positive ripple effects. Therefore, let's all implement energy conservation efforts, starting from our immediate surroundings, which is our household environment.
Author: Dawam Faizul Amal