ACCESS Project Encourages Village Independence to Obtain PLTS Environmental Permit
Are you interested in establishing a Solar Power Plant (PLTS) business? For the central government, local government, or private developers interested in engaging in PLTS development, there are several aspects to consider, including PLTS environmental permits to ensure that the entire process from pre-construction to post-operation does not negatively impact the environment.[1]
This aligns with one of the national energy management missions outlined in the General Plan for National Energy (RUEN), which is to promote environmentally aware energy management. Therefore, environmental considerations are crucial in PLTS development and should be addressed from the pre-construction phase to construction, operation, and post-operation phases.[1]
As part of an effort to achieve environmentally aware energy management, President Joko Widodo enacted Government Regulation (PP) Number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management on February 2, 2021, in Jakarta. This regulation replaces several other regulations, such as PP Number 27 of 2012 concerning Environmental Permits. The regulation stipulates that any business and/or activity with environmental impacts must obtain an environmental permit.[2]
The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), has also issued several regulations related to environmental management efforts, including Minister of Environment Regulation (Permen LH) Number 16 of 2012 on Guidelines for the Preparation of Environmental Documents and Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation (Permen LHK) Number P.26 of 2018 on Guidelines for the Preparation and Evaluation as well as Examination of Environmental Documents for Integrated Business Licensing Services Electronically.[1]
The government will conduct monitoring and evaluation of environmental management documents, which include Statements of Environmental Management and Monitoring Capability (SPPL), Environmental Management Efforts and Environmental Monitoring Efforts (UKL-UPL), and Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL). The choice of these three types of environmental documents depends on the developer's activities. Based on the PLTS capacity being built, SPPL is used for PLTS with a capacity < 1 MWp, UKL-UPL is used for PLTS with a capacity of 1 to < 50 MWp, while AMDAL is used for PLTS with a capacity ≥ 50 MWp.[1]
The ACCESS UNDP Project is constructing PLTS in 23 villages across four Indonesian provinces, with capacities ranging from 23 to 89 kWp for each village. Therefore, each village must have an SPPL document as a requirement for PLTS construction. Through community empowerment, the ACCESS UNDP Project encourages each village to independently submit SPPL documents so that the community can learn about the procedures for environmental permit submissions. As of the end of 2022, 11 out of the 23 target villages of the ACCESS UNDP Project have successfully obtained SPPL documents.
Author: Dawam Faizul Amal
- Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (KESDM), Panduan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS). Jakarta: Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (KESDM), 2020.
- Pemerintah Pusat, Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 22 Tahun 2021 tentang Penyelenggaraan Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Indonesia: LN.2021/No.32, TLN No.6634, jdih.setkab.go.id?: 374 hlm., 2021, p. 15.