Indonesia's Renewable Energy Mix Target
The need for electrical energy is increasing along with population growth and economic activities.[1] On the other hand, the fossil energy shortage and the global commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions encourage the Indonesian government to increase the role of renewable energy to maintain energy security and independence.[2] Through the Government Regulation Number 79 of 2014 concerning the National Energy Policy, Indonesia's renewable energy mix target is at least 23% in 2025 and 31% in 2050.[2]
Relative to Indonesia's renewable energy mix target in 2025, the percentage of Indonesia's renewable energy mix in 2021 was 11.5% with an installed renewable energy power plant capacity of 11,152 MW.[3] The renewable energy mix percentage increased by 0.3% from the year 2020, which was 11.2% with an installed renewable energy power plant capacity of 10,502 MW.[3-4] Those values are still relatively small compared to Indonesia's renewable energy mix target as stated in the Indonesian government regulation.
However, the Indonesian government continues to work on increasing renewable energy utilization in many ways, such as through projects and regulations. Various partnership projects in renewable energy are also being conducted, such as the ACCESS Project, where one of its targets is the construction of 23 off-grid solar PV power plants with a total installed capacity of 1.2 MWp in 23 villages in 4 provinces in Indonesia (East Nusa Tenggara, West Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, and Central Kalimantan Provinces).
Collaborations in utilizing renewable energy need to be strengthened. All parties need to support and be participated in the renewable energy utilization efforts, including all government agencies, institutions, organizations, corporations, entrepreneurs, academia, and all communities in the nation. Hopefully, Indonesia can reach the renewable energy mix target that will be beneficial in many sectors to the country particularly and the world generally.
Author: Dawam Faizul Amal
- A. S. F. Rajagukguk, M. Pakiding, and M. Rumbayan, “Study of Planning Needs and Fulfillment of Electrical Energy in the City of Manado,” J. Tek. Elektro dan Komput., vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 1–11, May 2015, doi: 10.35793/JTEK.4.3.2015.7972.
- Setjen DEN, Outlook Energi Indonesia 2019. Jakarta: Secretariat General of the National Energy Council, 2019.
- The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia, “Performance Achievements of the EMR Sector in 2021 & Plans for 2022,” 2022.
- Directorate General of EBTKE, “2020 Performance Achievements and 2021 Work Plans for the EBTKE Subsector,” 2021. https://ebtke.esdm.go.id/post/2021/01/15/2767/capaian.kinerja.2020.dan.rencana.kerja.2021.subsektor.ebtke (accessed Feb. 15, 2023).