The Solar Water Pump in Hatuermera, Manatuto is bringing water closer to 120 households.
The UNDP ACCESS Project has completed the construction and installation of the Solar Water Pump in Hatuermera, Laclo, Manatuto. This is one of the seven solar water pump systems installed across three municipalities in Timor-Leste: Manatuto, Bobonaro, and Atauro, benefitting more than 3500 people in 10 rural locations needing reliable water supply.
The capacity of the Solar PV in Hatuermera is 2,7 kW, and the pump's capacity is 8090 litre/day, pumping water for approximately 179 m (vertical distance) and 800 m (horizontal distance) for 120 households.
The inauguration ceremony took place on Friday, October 4, marking the completion of these clean energy systems. The event was participated by H.E. Tomás Cabral, the Minister of State Administration, Mr. António Guterres, the General Director for Decentralization and Local Governance, Mr. Marcos Dias, the Program Coordinator of KOICA, and Ms. Katyna Argueta, the UNDP Resident Representative among several other key stakeholders.
The objective of the Accelerating Clean Energy Access to Reduce Inequality (ACCESS) project is to support the poor and most vulnerable communities to have equitable and sustainable access to basic services for improving their livelihoods, implemented by UNDP with funding from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).