Technicians Ready to Install Renewable Energy Sources in Remote Parts of Indonesia and Timor-Leste
Jakarta, 4 Nov. 2022 — At least 80 technicians from Indonesia and Timor-Leste have completed trainings on Solar PV technology, by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with support from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) paving the way for more installation of solar panels in the remote parts of the countries.
The installation of solar panels and other renewable energy sources is crucial to accelerating the two countries' transition to increased usage of renewable energy sources, a key strategy to addressing climate crisis. The most recent batch consisted of 16 technicians who finished the two-week training program this week. 30 percent of the total number of trained technicians are women.
The trainings were done under UNDP’s Accelerating Clean Energy Access to Reduce Inequality (ACCESS) project, in partnership with Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource’s (MEMR), through the Human Resource Development Centre on Electricity, New Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation (PPSDM KEBTKE).
Mr. Jeong Yun Gil, Country Director of the KOICA Indonesia said the certified technicians are expected to create impact on the renewable energy transition.
“The certified local operators contribute not only to the sustainability of the ACCESS Project in the terms of technical component but will also order to achieve of our common goals to deliver the equality, and help to accelerate the community development,” he said.
Participants had both practical and theoretical training as part of the program
Aretha Aprilia, Team Leader of UNDP’s Environment Unit highlighted the strong partnership among the three countries.
“The training program has brought Indonesia and Timor-Leste together as both countries work towards more renewable sources of energy, with South Korea. This training program will ensure that the most vulnerable communities in both countries will have equitable and sustainable access to basic services, which will help improve their livelihoods,” she said.
The trainings also marked a strengthening of the South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) among Indonesia, Timor-Leste, and the South Korea through ACCESS Project.
To mark the completion of the trainings, the Government of Indonesia also handed over a set of training modules to the government of Timor-Leste.
“I hope that the training program we have concluded today is just the beginning of further training opportunities implemented in Timor-Leste by utilizing these set of training modules to catalyze,” said Dr. Dadan Kusdiana, General Director of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, MEMR.
The ACCESS project aims to support most vulnerable communities to have equitable and sustainable access to essential services including affordable renewable energy. The three-year project is taking place in 23 villages in four provinces in Indonesia (East Nusa Tenggara, West Sulawesi, South-East Sulawesi, and Central Kalimantan provinces) and 25 villages in three municipalities of Timor-Leste (Municipality of Dili (Atauro), Bobonaro and Manatuto).
The ACCESS project is funded by a grant of USD 18,028,509 from KOICA Indonesia, from which Indonesia's allocation is USD 15,028,509 and USD 3 million for Timor-Leste.
UNDP Communications Specialist, Tomi Soetjipto, suryo.tomi@undp.org
UNDP ACCESS Technical Officer Capacity Building, Imas Agustina, imas.agustina@undp.org
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