PPSDM KEBTKE Holds Technical Training and Certification for Operation and Maintenance of Solar Water Pumps for Second Batch of Timor Leste Operators
The opening of the Technical Training and Certification for Solar Water Pump Operation and Maintenance for Timor Leste Operators, Batch II, was attended by the Head of the Human Resources Development Center in Electrical Power, New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation (PPSDM KEBTKE), Ir. A. Susetyo Edi Prabowo, M.Si., as well as participants from Timor Leste. The event was also joined virtually by the Director of Diverse Energy at the Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (Ditjen EBTKE), represented by the Coordinator for Implementation and Development of New and Renewable Energy, Gatot Tri Widodo, S.T., M.T.
This technical training and certification program is part of the collaboration between the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), UNDP, the Government of Indonesia, and the Government of Timor Leste within the framework of South-South Cooperation. In addition to training operators, this collaboration aims to establish centralized solar power plants (PLTS) in Indonesia, solar water pumps, and Energy-Efficient Solar Lamps (LTSHE) in Timor Leste, which will benefit the local communities.
A. Susetyo Edi Prabowo, the Head of PPSDM KEBTKE, officially inaugurated the Technical Training and Certification for Solar Water Pump Operation and Maintenance for Timor Leste Operators, Batch II. He mentioned that the First Batch of Technical Training and Certification (PATS) was held from August 22 to September 1, 2022, resulting in 14 competent trainee operators.
"For this second batch, we will continue to provide training and certification to 16 participants from Timor Leste. With this training and certification program, we hope that participants can learn about the theory and practice of solar water pump principles and technology. Eventually, participants will graduate and be certified as reliable and competent operators, benefiting their respective communities. To all participants, welcome, and good luck with your training. To the instructors, assessors, and organizing committees, congratulations, and provide the best services," Edi said.
The Head of the Human Resources Development Center in Electrical Power, New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation expressed gratitude to everyone who assisted in organizing this training and certification program. He encouraged the participants to absorb the knowledge shared by the experts during the training and apply it in their regions. "The development of New and Renewable Energy not only has a positive impact on the environment but also helps improve access to electricity in various areas. Considering the diverse and widespread potential of New and Renewable Energy throughout the nation, each region has specific potential in New and Renewable Energy that can be used to enhance the welfare of local communities," Edi concluded his remarks.
The varying potential of New and Renewable Energy resources among regions presents both technical challenges and significant opportunities for our energy system. This condition enables the distribution of New and Renewable Energy-based power when regions experience surpluses or shortages of energy resources. We require a strong, reliable, and secure integrated power system to make this possible.
The involvement of donor organizations and local communities is critical to ensuring the appropriate use of technology, smooth project development, and the sustainability of this infrastructure. Furthermore, community engagement is vital to ensure clean energy utilization adheres to the principles of people-centred development.
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) hopes that this training will benefit the local communities and accelerate economic development. "We also hope that solar water pumps and LTSHE, once installed, can be collectively maintained by the community to ensure long-term benefits," Edi added. PPSDM KEBTKE, as a government agency serving the public, has achieved the title of "corruption-free zone" or "WBK" and is ready to be a reliable partner in developing human resources in the field of electrical power, new and renewable energy, and energy conservation.
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